Website Care

Taking care of your website is not over just because it was built.


What Make Us Stand Out



Just because you and I have to go to bed, but it doesn’t mean that everyone on earth is asleep at the same time.

That is how we are able to provide 8 hours a day, 5 days a week support to take the task off your to-do list when it comes down to your website.

Because the job is definitely not over just because the website is built.

Reduce Costly Downtime

If you have not sat down and calculated how much it would cost your company when there is a website downtime, you should.

These are the unseen costs that many small businesses pay when they put downtime at the bottom of their “it-will-never-happen-to-me” list.

Something as simple as updating your website and its components, and having a backup can save everyone the headache and hassle.

Why not do it now? We include this even in our most basic subscription.

Predictable IT Budget

Your website’s IT budget has never seen better days.

With our predictable flat-rate price point, you will not have to worry about additional charges in the rare event that something major happens to your website.

With our cyber security first mindset, you are protected from the first day you subscribe to our solution.

Now that’s more money in the bag for you when you have one less thing to worry about when you grow your business.


Prices are WordPress website.
For custom website, a quote is required.


Prices are WordPress website.
For custom website, a quote is required.

Contact Us

Sales Operating Hours

Weekdays: 10 AM to 6PM

Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed.

Get Started

Every business has a different needs. Find out how we can assist with a paid discovery call.